Happy families. Empowered Parents. Connected Children.

It takes a village…Connection Village supports families from conception and beyond to raise connected children. A collective of parenting and sleep experts, the Village helps parents to build and nurture meaningful bonds with their children across every age and stage of parenting. Multifaceted and holistic education and coaching to support people to be the best parent they can. 


About our Founder


Shae Cox is a Holistic Infant and Child Sleep Consultant and Conscious Parenting Coach.

Shae’s education and expertise, combined with her holistic approach has helped hundreds of  families across cultures and backgrounds experience greater connection. Her work encompasses sleep support for babies (and beyond!) all the way through to mentoring parents to be the calm, confident, compassionate  parents they dream of.   

Meet Shae

Hi I’m Shae, the Founder of Connection Village. I believe parents need a village of support around them to enable them to show up, every day. The Village is a space for you to feel supported, empowered and, dare I say it, excited by the possibilities that come with parenting, because, hey- we are not meant to do this parenting gig alone!

As a highly regarded holistic sleep consultant and conscious parenting coach, I’ve worked with hundreds of families across the globe. I’m also mama to three who continue to teach me first hand the rollercoaster ride of parenting- let’s jut say my expertise is both theoretical and highly practical! As a sleep consultant and parenting coach I’m deep in the trenches with you, and as a fellow parent, I’m intimately familiar with the concept that parenting is like nothing you have ever experienced; it is the hardest job you will ever do, but by far the most rewarding!

Often, we start our parenting journey by ‘winging’ it, having little to no practical experience, not really knowing what we’re doing, and feeling intensely alone at the same time…

That’s why I founded the Connection Village- to provide a safe, non-judgemental space for expecting, new and experienced parents to gain support throughout the different stages of their children’s lives. No more winging it, and no more going it alone!

I look forward to wrapping the Village’s collective arms around your family.


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