Baby sleep training

Build and Nurture a Connected, Happy Family.


As parents, we do the best we can with the tools, guidance and support we have. The Connection Village provides a range of services, support  and coaching to families experiencing sleep challenges, challenging behaviours, as well as managing disruptive developmental milestones and transitions including those specified below:


Sleep Challenges


Nap and/or bedtime refusal

Frequent overnight waking

Dropping naps

Early rising

Reliance on carer to rock, feed, hold or pat to sleep

Cosleeping or room sharing

Colic or reflux

Fear of the dark

Nightmares or night terrors

Challenging Behaviour

Separation anxiety


Aggression toward parent or sibling

Hitting or biting

Child anxieties

Food refusal


Parental rejection

Off-track behaviour post divorce or separation

Anger, sadness, fear

Developmental Milestones & Transitions

Developmental leap i.e. rolling, sitting, walking

Moving from bassinet to cot

Moving from cot to bed

Weaning from feeding

Toilet training

Introducing a sibling

Parent returning to work

Starting childcare, kindergarten, school

Moving house

Traveling with kids


Our Services and Packages

While our packages are popular, we recognise that every family's circumstances are wonderfully unique and so all of our packages can be customised to meet your needs.


Connected Sleep Packages 


In-Home Connected Sleep Package

This package is best suited to families that learn best by seeing and would prefer a certified sleep consultant to come and visit them in their home for a face to face consultation to address their child’s sleep challenges.

Common Sleep Challenges

Some of the common sleep challenges being:

  • Catnapping
  • Needing to be rocked/fed to sleep
  • Reliant on a carer to hold, pat and shhh to sleep
  • Resisting naps and/or bedtime
  • Frequently waking overnight
  • Early rising
  • Dummy reliance
  • Transitioning from cosleeping or room sharing to independent sleeping
  • Dropping a nap
  • Suffering separation anxiety
  • Developmental leap or transition is negatively impacting their sleep.

What to expect?

Our approach to sleep and parenting is holistic and gentle. We teach a connection-based methodology to enable children to sleep to the best of their ability for their developmental age and stage.

What does this Package include?

  • Comprehensive review of your child’s sleep history via questionnaire
  • 2 hour in-home consultation
  • Follow up email of sleep plan and connection tools
  • 1 x 30 minute Listening and Coaching session (midway through program)
  • 2 weeks of daily messaging support
  • Invitation to join our online community The Village Collective

How to get started?

Contact us via email or schedule a call.


Online Connected Sleep Package

This package is for families who have tried everything to nurture and support their child’s sleep challenges, and neither parent or child is getting the sleep they need. 

Common Sleep Challenges

Some of the common sleep challenges being:

  • Catnapping
  • Needing to be rocked/fed to sleep
  • Reliant on a carer to hold, pat and shhh to sleep
  • Resisting naps and/or bedtime
  • Frequently waking overnight
  • Early rising
  • Dummy Reliance
  • Transitioning from cosleeping or room sharing to independent sleeping
  • Dropping a nap
  • Suffering separation anxiety
  • Developmental leap or transition is negatively impacting their sleep.

What to expect?

Our approach to sleep and parenting is holistic and gentle. We teach a connection-based methodology to enable children to sleep to the best of their ability for their developmental age and stage.

What does this Package include?

  • Comprehensive review of your child’s sleep history via questionnaire
  • 60 minute FaceTime or Zoom consultation
  • Follow up email of sleep plan and connection tools
  • 1 x 15 minute Listening and Coaching session (midway through program)
  • 2 weeks of daily messaging support
  • Invitation to join our online community The Village Collective

How to get started?

Contact us via email or schedule a call.


The Parenting Journey - Bump & Beyond

This package is suitable for first time parents looking for education, support and guidance from late stage pregnancy through the 4th trimester and beyond.

What to expect?

We will focus on bonding and attachment, connection, sleep, feeding, environment, foundations and the emotional and physical wellbeing of the parents and child. We will guide and support you through the transition from couple to family, and be your village through the 4th trimester as you adjust to parenthood.

What does this Package include?

  • Online questionnaire to review your pregnancy history, birth plan and any questions and/or fears you have around the arrival of your baby and the 4th trimester.
  • 4 x 60 minute Zoom consultations before the birth of your baby. Each session will include education and support on preparing you for parenthood, including:
    • Bonding, attachment and connection;
    • Sleep, settling, safe sleeping and positive sleep associations;
    • Foundations and feeding - routine, environment, developmental milestones and transitions, bedding, equipment;
    • Nurturing your relationship and self-care - physical and emotional wellbeing of parent and child;
    • Support networks and resources.
  • 1 x 30 minute listening and coaching session after the birth of your baby to share your birth story
  • 4 weeks of messaging support on the arrival of your baby.
  • Invitation to join our online community The Village Collective

Who is this Package suitable for?

Are you are feeling overwhelmed with the plethora of parenting information? Have you been bombarded with advice from family and friends? Are you ready to start building your village to support and guide you throughout your parenting journey? We don’t want you to feel alone as you transition into parenthood! Your Connection Village consultant will prepare you for parenting through education, advice and support. We will take the time to listen and uncover how we can best support you, customising your package to include the information to meet your needs and requirements, including how to prepare for the arrival of your baby, and what to expect in the 4th trimester.

How to get started?

Contact us via email or schedule a call.

Connection Coaching

“Parenthood is about raising and celebrating the child you have, not the child you thought you would have. It’s about understanding that he is exactly the person he is supposed to be. And that if you’re lucky, he just might be the teacher who turns you into the person you are supposed to be.” - Joan Ryan


2 Week Connection Coaching Packages

This package gives you the opportunity to explore and heal from your past hurts, trauma and imprints allowing you to feel both seen and heard.  

Who is this Package suitable for?

“To heal and know your story will change the way your parent forever”.

Studies show that the foundations of our mental health and emotional intelligence are laid down in our childhood. That’s why it’s not only critically important to foster nurturing relationships with our children, it’s equally important to reconcile our own childhood imprints.

This program is designed to support, empower and heal parents from childhood imprints and trauma and identify their triggers to enable them to become the parent they want to be. It’s ideal for any parent willing to dive deeper and explore their story, and what is standing in the way of being the parent they want to be.

Do you ever find yourself being triggered by your child? Have you found that your own childhood journey and memories get in the way of you being the parent you want to be? Do you feel vulnerable and sometimes judged by your family and friends for parenting your way? Have you lost confidence and feel overwhelmed and anxious in your parenting? Do you shy away from parenting and connecting with your child how you would like to?

This package gives you the opportunity to explore and heal from your past hurts, trauma and childhood imprints allowing you to feel both seen and heard.

What to expect?

We will work together to identify the underlying story behind your fears, control patterns, triggers, anxieties, and emotions using connection tools, as well as a whole lot of listening. Through listening time and coaching we will facilitate healing and learn how we can show kindness and compassion to ourselves, and calmly respond to and connect with our children.

What does this Package include?

  • 90 minute FaceTime consultation to discuss childhood imprints, parenting challenges, connection tools and our first listening partnership.
  • 4 x 30 minute listening time and parent coaching sessions specific to your situation (2 sessions per week)
  • 2 weeks of messaging support
  • Invitation to join our online community The Village Collective

How to get started?

Contact us via email or schedul a call.


4 Week Connection Coaching Package

This program is best suited to the parent feeling overwhelmed by their child’s challenging behaviour.

Who is this Package suitable for?

You’ve tried everything in your parenting tool box and nothing seems to work…

This program is best suited to the parent feeling overwhelmed by their child’s challenging behaviour. It uncovers and addresses behavioural challenges, triggers and anxiety within your family unit. It provides mentoring on tools of connection and how to implement them within your parenting to reduce the impact of challenging behaviour resulting from developmental transitions and milestones, stress, tension and frustration. The connection tools are a welcome addition to any parenting tool belt and do not expire; they can be adapted to meet the needs of children at any age and stage.

These parent coaching sessions can also be conducted in a group setting for mother’s or father’s groups, parents and friends and play groups Please reach out and we can tailor a package to suit your needs.

What to expect?

We will work together to identify the underlying story behind your triggers, anxieties, and big feelings using the hand in hand connection tools, and coach you to heal, manage and respond with compassion and connection with your children enabling you to be the parent you want to be.

What does this Package include?

  • 60 minute consultation to discuss parenting challenges, connection tools, client history and how I can support you by way of a tailored program
  • 4 x 1 hour listening time and parent coaching sessions specific to your situation (1 sessions per week at our agreed time)
  • Client profile for messaging support as necessary for the duration of your package.
  • Invitation to join our online community The Village Collective

How to get started?

Contact us via email or schedule a call.


Q&A with Shae

Suitable for families looking for answers around a specific sleep or behavioural challenge. During this hour to 'empower' you will have the opportunity to discuss the specific needs of your child, have your questions answered and feel empowered to support and connect with your child.

What to expect?

Our approach to sleep and parenting is holistic and gentle. We teach a connection-based methodology to enable children to sleep to the best of their ability for their developmental age and stage.

What does this Package include?

  • Comprehensive review of your child's sleep history via questionnaire.
  • 60 minute Zoom consultation for you to ask all your sleep & parenting questions.
  • Bespoke expert advise and guidance specific to your situation.
  • Invitation to join our online community The Village Collective.

Note: There is no sleep plan or ongoing support provided with this package.

Who is this Package suitable for?

This package is for families with a specific sleep challenge i.e. cat napping, early rising, overnight waking, bedtime or nap refusal looking for expert guidance, and a holistic assessment to ensure your child's needs are met to achieve optimal sleep.

Or perhaps your child is having some behavioural challenges or experiencing a transition i.e. starting childcare, introduction of a new sibling, moving sleep spaces or separation anxiety, and you are looking for the tools to support them and meet them with compassion and empathy.

This is an opportunity to discuss your child, get all your questions answered and feel empowered to support and connect with your child.

How to get started?

Contact us via email or schedule a call.