Our Families 


"Working with Shae was a dream. Each time we spoke I felt heard, held, respected, supported, and always ended feeling much calmer..."

Allyce Ananda - Working with Shae was a dream. Each time we spoke I felt heard, held, respected, supported, and always ended feeling much calmer and grounded within myself again. She not only provided support for me and my little one around sleep, she also empowered and helped build my confidence in me as a mother and that I really was doing a great job - no matter how it looked and changed from day to day!

Talking with her made me feel so looked after and cared for - something we as mums to young ones don’t often make space for but need deeply! It felt like a warm calming hug - even over the phone.

Shae truly went above and beyond during our time together, she continues to be my go-to support and the relationship really does go beyond the allotted period - she is on your team for always! Her knowledge bank and toolkit is astounding!

I often jumped on to a chat with Shae with high emotions/panic/fear/confusion as we navigated the stresses of a sleep-deprived mama and bubba and she always held those emotions with such compassion and understanding. She is an amazing mama herself and an incredible woman to have in your village :)

"I would highly recommend Connection Village to anyone struggling with their little ones sleep as well as dealing with toddler issues..."

Eliana & Oliver - I would highly recommend Connection Village to anyone struggling with their little ones sleep as well as dealing with toddler issues such as behaviour problems and toilet training.

Shae is extremely caring and knowledgeable and has guided me since my son was 6 months of age and is now 3!

Shae’s approach is gentle and nurturing and I really appreciate everything she has taught me!

Thank you so much, Eliana and Oliver

"Shae's support has been invaluable. She has shared endless wisdom, kindness and patience..."

Emma & Luke Hewitt - Shae's support has been invaluable. She has shared endless wisdom, kindness and patience and worked with us to find a new sleep schedule and bedtime routine that better suits our little one. She was generous with her time and her support, always willing to talk through a particularly difficult night. Her ability to listen and empathise helped me through a number of real low points as I dealt with the exhaustion and frustration of parenting a 'bad sleeper'. She built my confidence with practical ideas, so I now feel I know how to get my baby to sleep every time. And while my baby still has difficult nights, we've gone from 4-5 wakes a night, to only one or two. Which feels miraculous. Thank you, Shae, for all you have done for us.

"Shae has been apart of my family for the past 3 years, and has supported my husband and I with our two girls through many milestones..."

Jenna & Marcus Cole - Shae has been apart of my family for the past 3 years, and has supported my husband and I with our two girls through many milestones. Reaching out to Shae as sleep deprived parents when our first born was 6 months of age was the best thing we ever did. With Shae’s calming influence, we implemented changes to my daughters sleep environment and adjusted wake times, but most importantly Shae gave us a wonderful understanding on how listening to our baby and supporting them through their developmental milestones is by far the most rewarding and satisfying connection as a parent. We very quickly had 2 happy parents & a beautiful sleeping baby.

Shae not only supported us the once, but numerous other times throughout my daughter’s developmental changes, her continued guidance and coaching through these many challenging milestones like toddler behaviours was truely amazing.

Shae also supported us with our second born daughter who was more challenging & complex as she had reflux & intolerances. But with Shae’s expertise knowledge, we went from having a 30minute catnapping baby during the day & multiple wakes overnight, to a baby who was calm that had beautiful long day naps & waking once overnight. As parents to an already busy toddler, this was an extremely tough time for us. Without Shae’s daily support & encouragement we certainly wouldn’t have survived. Thank you from the bottom of our heart!

Whilst I reflect on what I have learnt since becoming a parent, I would highly recommend connecting with Shae prior to becoming first time parents. I believe having the understanding of babies sleeping habits, developmental milestones and most of all connecting with your baby & listening to their needs prenatally would be highly beneficial.

Having this knowledge and the tools prior to becoming parents is setting yourselves and your baby up for success right from the start, instead of getting to breaking point before reaching out for help. Becoming new parents is extremely overwhelming, connect with Shae and join her village of support. You as parents don’t need to do it alone. Reach out for this incredible service to guide you as parents through the entire journey from the start.

"Getting Shae’s support was easily the best investment we’ve made during our parenting journey! Her kind, realistic, gentle and understanding approach has helped us with..."

Jess & Chris (Archie & Millie) - We originally contacted Shae for support with our first child, Archie, who was 6 months old. Being first time parents, we were exhausted and fell into the trap of reading too much information online about sleep. We were completely overwhelmed. Absolutely nothing seemed to suit our family or our values. Until we found Shae! After an email and a quick phone call, we felt completely relieved. Her gentle, responsive and connection-driven approach was the only option for us. We wanted to be there to support our son with his sleep, not leave him alone to cry.

Shae was with us every step of the way, guiding us with Archie’s wake windows, his developmental play and building a connection with myself and my husband. Archie is now three and apart from the normal hiccups such as teething, milestones and sickness, he is a great sleeper. Both my husband and I have such an amazing bond with him and continue to include quality time and rough housing play in our day. When we had our daughter, Millie, we had no hesitation in contacting Shae again, this time at 4 months. Once we transitioned out of the ‘fourth trimester’ we wanted that one-on-one guidance again, but personalised for Millie. Shae focussed on building a strong connection, prioritising developmental play, finding Millie’s wake windows and being there to support us through milestones and sleep barriers such as reflux, wind pain and teething.

Being extremely sleep deprived and anxious with a new baby and an energetic toddler Shae was like a lifeline! She guided us the whole time and knowing that she is only an email away if something changes and we need her advice, makes us feel at ease.

Getting Shae’s support was easily the best investment we’ve made during our parenting journey! Her kind, realistic, gentle and understanding approach has helped us with both of our babies and we are so grateful for everything she has done for our family.

"I felt like I had an all-knowing oracle with me guiding and supporting our sleep journey..."

Julie Dowse - I began working with Shae when my second child was about 9 months. I was exhausted and at my wits end wondering if I was destined to have a baby sleeping in my bed waking up every couple hours all night long. I was at a point where I thought I needed to hold my baby all night just so that he could sleep and I could “rest my eyes”. When I was put in touch with Shae I found her warm and non-judgemental and really wanted the best for me and my Bub. The program we worked on together wasn’t overwhelming and aligned with my values to nurture and be present for my baby. She encouraged me to trust in my instincts and consider being reactive rather than proactive. The daily video messages and updates during the initial support period were invaluable - I felt like I had an all-knowing oracle with me guiding and supporting our sleep journey! We started to see a difference in our baby within the first week and that feeling of our baby stringing together hours of sleep in a cot was a game changer! The advice was practical and straightforward which helped this sleep deprived mama.

The best part is that our baby - who has now turned one has maintained his sleep routine. The difference it has made to our family is worth more than we can put a value on and I would not hesitate to recommend Shae and the Sleep Play Love book and program to anyone.

Thanks again for your support - it really has changed our life!

"Shae helped us break all the bad habits we had unfortunately been doing to get through the nights..."

Rachael & Hudson - A huge thank you to Shae! After returning to work when Hudson was 9 months old he started sleeping terribly, waking every 2-3 hours through the night and was a serial cat napper through the day! My husband and I knew we needed some help so we reached out to Shae and I can certainly say she severely turned things around for us. Shae helped us break all the bad habits we had unfortunately been doing to get through the nights (bottles at 2am, sleeping in our bed, rocking to sleep), she gave us a guided routine we should use, she gave us better awake time windows, she taught us how we could break the early rising. Within a few days I started to see results with Hudson’s sleeping, he was sleeping 1.5-2hrs for day naps and begun sleeping from bedtime till 6am again!

We have had 8 months of beautiful night sleeps... but I’ve just used Shae again as Hudson started regressing his morning nap & started waking a few times through the night for long periods. Shae has helped us transition Hudson to 1 day nap and helped us get Hudson to stop the night waking. He was waking through the night for developmental reasons, Shae suggested developmental play tasks we do with Hudson to help him move past this and it worked!

I cannot recommend Shae enough, she supported us when we were feeling completely defeated, she always complimented me and told me I was doing an amazing job & whenever I was unsure or had a question she was always a text message away!

Thank you for helping us getting our sleep back & helping Hudson get through this period :)

"Working with Shae has truly transformed our lives..."

Rachel Wrigley - Working with Shae has truly transformed our lives.

Our 2 year old boy was bed sharing with me, waking 6-8 times a night. Now Hudson is sleeping through the night and in his OWN BED!

When I contacted Shae I was really clear that I was really not ok with cry it out or controlled crying. I had a bad experience with a previous consultant that had left me in tears with how strict the regime was and I just couldn't put myself or my son through it. Shae listened and tailored a process that worked with me and at the pace I was comfortable with and was there whenever I needed anytime of day. Not only did Shae help Hudson, but picked me up when I was exhausted, sick in my first trimester and couldn't help myself. Shae gave me strength and confidence plus the gift of sleep to Hudson and I!

Now I have a clear mind to be excited about my pregnancy and being a mum again.

Thank you Shae!


Video Testimonials


The 4th trimester & beyond

Matt & Ness



The Parenting Journey - Managing Transitions




Holding the Parent - Support & your Village



We would love to be the Village to help you nurture and build a happy family and raise connected children. For more information about our services, our approach or to simply start the process of working with Connection Village, please contact us.